Book Design

Ingen naken dame på forsiden – Norske sakprosatekster

Client: Fagbokforlaget

The book Ingen naken dame på forsiden (No Naked Lady On The Cover) is part of the National Association for Norwegian Education's (LNU) investment in non-fiction in Norwegian subjects. The book is a collection of Norwegian non-fiction texts. In the introduction, the question of what non-fiction is is discussed. The book contains many different non-fiction examples, which are arranged thematically. Each part starts with a text that comments on the examples and elaborates on the theme. Factual information and tasks are attached to all the non-fiction texts. The design has an intentionally “unfinished” look and the photographs by Jo Michael are full of symbolism. "The texts change your reality and they change you, all the time. But if that is true, something else is also true: That you can change yourself, and your reality, through changing the texts you surround yourself with.”

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